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Friday, November 8, 2019

Social media and role of software in its development

Social media is a highly accessible means of communication to facilitate social interaction. They include RSS feeds, blogs, social networks, video platforms or microblogs. In recent years, social media has transformed the personal and professional lives of many employees. They have also had an impact on software developers and the communities around them: that's what I'm about to explain to you.

Social media and the role of software in its development

Using social media

These tools that few people knew a few years ago are now used by most research and development departments (developers, consultants, management etc.), software users and community members: they have become tools of daily work. Software engineering has always been a collaborative activity. Microblogs, social media platforms, RSS feed management tools are becoming new communication channels and these social media have brought developers together, as well as contributors. They make it easier to follow projects and interact easily.

The benefits of social networks in the school environment
It also contributes to the development of competency. "Exploiting information and communication technologies", since students have to appropriate technologies and have to master them. Also, the use of social networks reinforces competence. Finally, competency is also developed, given that students need to help each other and be open-minded. It goes without saying that the use of technologies such as social networks has more positive points than negative points. That is why, it would be interesting to take into consideration the resources exploited by young people. In general, schools block social media access to students. However, it is high time to be more open-minded and stop reacting with repression and silence in the face of new technologies.
Communication and user community
On personal blogs, employees can explain to users the new features - the ones they have put in place - bug fixes and release releases. They interact with users on microblogs and social networking pages to better understand their needs and make improvements. Online video platforms can better explain new features and use of products. RSS feeds give more visibility to the information transmitted. Take the example of open source software. These programs are especially related to their communities, as many members are often volunteer contributors to the project. Social media has made it possible to connect these members even better to enable them to exchange and help each other, but also to disseminate their new ideas.
These users are probably among the first to have used them, because they are continually looking for new ways of communicating within the community.
Although forums are collaboration tools from a previous generation, they have a significant impact on software development. They provide better bug tracking: Members recommend users use bug tracking tools for technical issues or to provide new features. Forums also have a support role, since users can look for a problem that another user would have had.

Author Bio
Jaydon Watson is a professional who works mainly in the domain of social media and software development. She always emphasize on the use of social media among school students as it gives them a platform to interact with community members to learn with innovative ways. Jaydon Watson also gives lectures to students that how they use social media platform to enhance their skills at Online Essay Help UK.  

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